Elaine Gonzalez Johnson

Season 3 - Episode 8

Elaine’s moxie is exuberant and engaging. Her humor and encouragement make you feel like you got this–you got moxie! Elaine has put in the time and miles to discern who she is and how she wants to show up in the world in each season of her life. That unshakeable belief in herself is the foundation of her energy and zest for a successful life, as she defines it.

Elaine is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, educator, and speaker. She is best known for her role as the Founder and Executive Director of Latinas in Motion, a non-profit organization with chapters nationwide, created to encourage women of color to get active. Elaine began her fitness journey after the birth of her first child, taking small steps that have led her to run 5K’s and marathons and organize races and group running sessions for others. Elaine inspires and empowers women worldwide to exercise and adopt healthy habits.

This self-proclaimed “Mogul Mami” is an inspiration—as much for her contagious energy as for her willingness to break stereotypes. She enjoys sharing her story to inspire others to live the best version of themselves and move through the world on their own terms.

Elaine is passionate about sharing her story with others—her down-to- earth personality and frequent pop-culture references have established her as a sought-after speaker. In 2018, Elaine was selected to share her mission statement at the Michelle Obama “Becoming” event. 

This episode of Main Street Moxie is proudly sponsored by Main Street Magazine.
Latinas in Motion website
Mogul Mami website

Social Links

Elaine’s Instagram@elaine_g_johnson 
Latinas in Motion Instagram@latinasinmotion
Latinas in Motion Facebook group@LatinasInMotion

This Podcast is Sponsored By

Main Street Magazine

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